© 2012 by R. T. Hamilton Brown.

April 1961.
This is the first VagenViews. The club was several months old when we finally got our act together, sort of. Everything was written on old portable typewriters by the members with the least knowledge of the English language even though we were all born here in the USA, except for Klark Bent who was born in Chicago and talked funny.
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January 1962
Bongo drums? You gotta be kidding! This looks more like the late forties. Isn’t that Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassady? No? Well read on........

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You’ve all heard how cheap things were in the good old days. How much would it cost to do this today?Of course, how much did we make back then slaving away over our old hand cranked computer terminal?
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You’ve all heard how cheap things were in the good old days. How much would it cost to do this today?Of course, how much did we make back then slaving away over our old hand cranked computer terminal?
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May 1961.
I guess seat belts were just coming on the scene for most people. If you wanted them, you had
to do it yourself. VWs circa 1960 had factory anchors for belts if you wanted them, those of the
late fifties didn't have any. You had to drill holes, get reinforcing plates and DIY.
I guess seat belts were just coming on the scene for most people. If you wanted them, you had
to do it yourself. VWs circa 1960 had factory anchors for belts if you wanted them, those of the
late fifties didn't have any. You had to drill holes, get reinforcing plates and DIY.
A lot of the CIVC members were interested in racing and rallying. And there were some just interested
in socializing. And a few in meeting members of the opposite sex. All in all, we got along quite well and
usual. Some of the hard core rallyists ventured far and wide to satisfy their competitive nature.
I think I was in that bunch.
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in socializing. And a few in meeting members of the opposite sex. All in all, we got along quite well and
usual. Some of the hard core rallyists ventured far and wide to satisfy their competitive nature.
I think I was in that bunch.
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July 1962
Aw shit! More of the go fast stuff. Someone must have been a frustrated hot-rodder.
Or just plain frustrated. Ha! You say, "Go fast!" In a VW with 40 horses! In a pigs eye.
Zero to 60 in 19 minutes, with a tail wind!
July 1962
See the reference to The Shaft. We had a last place trophy called The Shaft that was
made from an old VW cam shaft. It was finally retired and given to the member who
had won it the most times. I think Trixie still has it.
Holy cow Batman! It took a while, but I finally wrestled this thing away from Trixie. She still has the old competitive spirit, I have the bruises to show for it. Anyway, here's the Shaft.
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May 1961
Forget about the first half of the following page. Just note the cost of some of the cars back in 1961.
I guess a loaf of bread costs more now too. Then look at the foreign car registration
numbers for 1960.Where are Toyota and Honda?